Life, Electromagnetic Energy and Your Well-Being - FlairTRADE Consign

Life, Electromagnetic Energy and Your Well-Being

Like most of us when you think of shopping at FlairTrade you expect to see high quality designer fashions for ladies and men. And you are 110% correct!

But once in a while we get a unique piece, unique and luxurious enough to 
be inspired to write about it. 
What if I told you a piece of unisex jewelry existed, combined a sleek look encrusted with diamonds, that was was a shield for electromagnetic pollution and act as agent for healing your body naturally with its own energy?

There is - the Philip Stein Teslar Bracelet

A cutting edge, modern device focused on Mind-Body Science that can reduce stress, increase energy flow and block electromagnetic pollution using two Teslar chips. The art and scientific research behind this bracelet is astounding and I can barely put the book down! Come see it for yourself!

Now you can wear something that literally makes you feel good for a fraction of the retail price.   This is what happens when luxury and wellness combine. 

* This bracelet is by no means a cure for any illness and would never replace seeking medical attention from a professional.
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